We Pay Your Video!

Spread this amazing platform to the world!

Simply put coupon code Shortsdeal and click Apply coupon when you check out. You’ll get 10% off automatically, and you tour guide will receive $5 bonus as well!

Simple as it is, because we trust you!

Please check out the details. 

  • The contents must be YouTube shorts, YouTube video, Tiktok, or Instragram reels.
  • You’ll get 10% off upon your agreement, and your tour guide will get $5 bonus once we check out it’s been uploaded for 10 days.
  • Your content must contain hashtags both #welcometourguide and #welcomeguide
  • It’s only for tour guide option, and not applicable for gift/souvenir products.

Should you have any questions regarding the Shorts Deal, feel free to reach out to us by submitting the form below. 

Questions for Shorts Deal?